Wednesday, February 27, 2013

A Truly Great Story: Opposing player gives disabled high schooler a shot at glory

This video is a must watch, whether you love the game of basketball like I do or not. I literally almost cried. For a quick summary, Mitchell, the team manager, has a developmental disability. He loves the game as much as anyone else. Coach Peter Morales had a plan in mind to let Mitchell play the last game of the season. He was prepared to lose the game for Mitchell's moment. His teammates did everything they could to get Mitchell a shot, but the truly touching part of the story came during the last play of the game when a player on the opposing team purposely inbounded the ball to Mitchell to give him one last chance to score. Just watch the video.

I know this post is a lot different than my usual posts, but I'm never usually touched by videos. Maybe it's just me that is really affected by this video. It is honestly so relieving to see that there are good people still out there. Stuff like this isn't funny. People with disabilities aren't funny. Using the word "retarded" in a derogatory manner isn't funny. I'm just rambling right now, sorry.


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