Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My Attempt at Photography

I had my first 8AM lab today and it wasn't the most fun thing in the world. There are other things I'd much rather be doing at 8 in the morning. But oh well, you gotta do what you gotta do.

A while back, I decided to imitate: http://www.flickr.com/photos/martinturner/4374039110/

The instructions on there are:  "Fill tray with water. Mix washing up liquid with some water. Use straw to create a bubble on top of the water in the tray (using bubble mixture you just made). Release water drops onto the top of the bubble and capture with camera setup on tripod. This was backlit using a wireless flash and mini softbox. The hard part is timing the water drops and keeping the bubble still as it has a tendancy to move around. The bubble will happily accept many water drops before it bursts."

I didn't have all the materials he used, but his end result was phenomenal! Check out the link to see it.

Here's mine:

My tray was dirty so mine wasn't as blue and clear. His was just better overall. For photographers out there, give this a try! It really is fun. For everyone else, how do you like?!

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